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Showing 4 posts in Co-Parenting.

Going Back to School: A Guide to Balancing Careers, Schedules & Divorce

The end of summer can be a stressful time for parents, balancing careers, extracurricular schedules and other activities, all while getting their children ready for school. Add a separation or divorce from a spouse into the mix and it can be downright nightmarish. Read More ›

Categories: Co-Parenting, Divorce, Powers of Attorney

Communication is Key in Co-Parenting Coordination

Co-parenting is all about cooperation. You have to love your kids more than you hate your ex in order to better communicate and to better act in the child(ren)'s best interests.  Read More ›

Categories: Co-Parenting

Thoughtful Holiday Parenting Time Scheduling is Key to Happy Holidays for Your Kids

Holidays are chaotic to begin with but adding in a parenting time schedule during divorce or custody proceedings increases the stress level to the breaking point. Read More ›

Categories: Co-Parenting, Custody

How to Put Your Children First in Co-Parenting

Separation, and ultimately divorce in some cases, can be one of the hardest things that a couple who once shared a life together can endure. For some, the once happy memories are now replaced with hostility and contempt. But when children are involved, the one aspect more difficult than the divorce itself, is successfully co-parenting children together. How do you successfully raise children with someone who is no longer part of your life, someone whom you may have even grown to dislike? As family law attorney Jackie Dupler explains, the answer is quite simple, "You have to love your kids, more than you hate your ex!" Read More ›

Categories: Co-Parenting, Custody, Divorce